5 Innovative Ways to Improve Your Wine Packaging Game
Why is wine packaging important?
There are many different practical functions of wine packaging. First and foremost, it protects the wine and acts as a vessel to transport your wine from the winery to the customer. You want to ensure that your wine is of good quality and that the packaging facilitates optimal storage.
Wine packaging also acts as a quality cue for consumers. You want the consumer’s eye and hand to be drawn to the bottle on the shelf, choosing your bottle over your competitors. “Shelf appeal” is one of the most important considerations when choosing packaging for your next project.
5 Ways to Improve Your Wine Packaging
1. Different sized wine bottles
You are most likely familiar with the standard 750mL wine bottle. They are excellent for dinner parties and social gatherings where they can be shared and enjoyed with your friends and family.
However, our society is drinking less – 18% less than in 2004. With many people choosing to drink less, there is a significant market opportunity to bottle your product into a variety of bottle sizes, including a smaller volume vessel and appeal to a new audience. Your consumers can enjoy a glass or two of wine without feeling pressured to open a whole standard sized bottle, which not only keeps the wine fresh, but also encourages consumers to be mindful of their portion sizes. At Global Package, we offer the increasingly popular 375mL and 500mL bottles in a number of our ranges, allowing you to trial smaller wine bottle sizes.

BG Tradition 375ml Screw Cap

BD Cubana Bordeaux 500ml
2. Alternative containers
When it comes to wine packaging, glass bottles are by far the most common choice. Glass bottles have many benefits, and there is a reason winemakers are continuously choosing glass packaging. It protects the quality of the wine, is sustainable, and enhances the drinking experience.
However, this is not to say that other forms of packaging should be overlooked. For example, some wineries are tapping into canned wine, boxed wine, cartons, and more.
There are many benefits to boxed wine, so there is no surprise that it is a growing trend in the industry. There are environmental benefits to it, as it is a lower energy production than glass. The airtight seal also means that the wine lasts longer than a glass bottle once it is opened, meaning there is no rush to finish it, however it must be said that there is something exceedingly appealing about glass wine bottles.
3. Technology driven labels
There are many ways your brand could leverage the digital age in its wine packaging. It is an innovative and effective way to engage your target audience and improve the appeal of your packaging. <
Using a QR code on the label, you can give your brand an opportunity to inform your customers about the wine, making them more engaged and loyal to your brand. You can present this information in many different and creative ways – it is up to you!
There are other innovative ways to incorporate technology into your labels through near field communication (NFC), augmented reality (AR), and much more recently non-fungible tokens (NFTs).
4. Eco-friendly packaging
Environmentally-conscious customers prefer brands that are mindful about the environmental impact of their packaging and branding activities. While heavy glass bottles have a luxury appeal to them, there is a trend towards more sustainable packaging. Consumers are increasingly conscious about the carbon footprint and the high energy production of glass and making decisions at the store based on these values. More environmentally responsible wine products can provide your brand with a competitive edge.
Our Specialty Wild Glass range is made from recycled glass (post consumer recycled glass) and has a more sustainable manufacturing process. It allows you and your brand to still have the luxury and premium quality cues from a glass bottle, with a sustainable edge.
5. Highly presentable packaging
Creative packaging designs further contribute to its shelf appeal. Wine labels communicate many things about the wine to its prospective customers – including the variety, the brand, the location, and so much more. A label communicates a brand story, and it is important to have packaging that resonates with the consumer, who increasingly are becoming more interested, knowledgeable and social with their wine experiences.
Why choose Global Package?
At Global Package, we are committed to helping you choose the best packaging for your wine brand. We offer outstanding and innovative packaging solutions for your winery, ensuring your product is packaged the way you want it.